Order DPF Remedy
Based on your fuel tank size and weekly gallons used, order DPF Remedy and stop DPF regens now!

Drop It In The Tank
Available easy to use tablets or liquid for larger applications. Quick dissolve, immediate results.

Get Back On The Road
Eliminate DPF Downtime and watch productivity soar!
His DPF regenerations dropped 50% and his MPG is through the roof!
How often should DPF Regenerations take place?

Reclaim the Time and Money Lost from DPF Regenerations

EXTEND Regen Cycles
Incomplete diesel fuel combustion contributes to soot production. Soot deposits are one of the major DPF problems. They prohibit your DPF from functioning properly resulting in increased ‘back-pressure’. DPF Remedy extends DPF regeneration intervals up to 800%.

PROTECT Your Engine
DPF Remedy bonds with old carbon deposits, removing them in the combustion process without detergents or abrasive agents while preventing new deposits. This leaves injectors and other system components clean – improving performance, extending engine life and solving most DPF Problems as a legal alternative to DPF delete.

REDUCE Emissions
DPF Remedy allows your fuel to more completely burn which dramatically reduces the formation of the particulate matter so your Diesel Particulate Filter problems are cured before they begin.

SAVE on Fuel Costs
DPF Remedy allows efficient fuel combustion at much lower ignition temperatures, resulting in less emissions AND up to 20% LESS FUEL burned. DPF Remedy can save you twice the cost of the product in fuel savings and are a great legal alternative to DPF delete.

California Emissions
Emission standards in California are strict. If you own a diesel vehicle in California and you want to extend regen cycles, protect your engine, reduce emissions, and save on fuel costs, try DPF Remedy today! Our unique formula is easy to use and extra effective. Simply drop a tablet in your tank and delay costly and time consuming DPF regeneration!